No matter how hard we try to manage our schedules and balance our commitments, from time to time, many of us find ourselves in seasons of life that feel overwhelming. When it feels like we’re jumping from one thing to the next, adding a reflection practice into our daily routine can be a powerful form of self-care.
Making time for reflection has meaningful benefits for both kids and grown-ups. “After each activity at GOTR practice, we process – we stop, reflect, and discuss what just happened and what we think about it. This processing is essential for learning to happen,” says Katarina Corda, the vice president of programming at Girls on the Run International. “The same goes for life – we are constantly hustling from one thing to the next. Stopping, reflecting, and processing are helpful tools that support the growth process.”
Taking the time to think deeply and fully digest our experiences often gives us greater insight than we might have access to without pausing. Processing our experiences can help us organize our thoughts, clarify our feelings, and make decisions that we feel good about both in the moment and in the future.
If you’re ready to connect to the GOTR participant within yourself, we have 20 journal prompts you can use to kick off your journaling routine. These writing prompts will create the space for you to process and grow from your experiences. To get the most out of your journaling, choose a time of day when you can commit to settling in to write, doodle, draw, or whatever feels good for you. Block out 10-20 minutes, send yourself a daily calendar invite, and plan to brew your favorite drink to enjoy as you write.
Let’s go!
Journal Prompt Theme: Self-acceptance and Self-care
- Think of the last time you felt proud of yourself. What did you say to yourself at your most proud, and how does it compare to what you might say to a friend who had accomplished something similar?
- What is one trait or aspect of yourself that you love and appreciate now but didn’t always? What was it that made loving this part of yourself difficult at one point, and what helped you learn to love this part of yourself now?
- Just like how we all find value in different ways of caring for our bodies, how we care for our hearts and souls is profoundly personal and varies from person to person. What do you do to care for your heart and soul? How can you prioritize these care-taking activities when life gets complicated or busy?
- Life is a never-ending journey of getting to know ourselves. What are some things you’ve found that have stayed constant about who you are over the years? What are some things that have changed in ways you did not expect?
- Think of something you can do with confidence today that you haven’t always been able to. What helped you gain the confidence you have now? How did you gain the confidence to do something hard?
- Taking care of ourselves means different things to different people. What are some ways you take care of your body that work for you? What are some things you’d like to improve?
Journal Prompt Themes: Joy and Gratitude
- Think of a time that you couldn’t stop smiling. What made you so happy, and how can you bring more of that happiness into your everyday life?
- What would you include if you were to make a highlight reel of the last year of your life? Why were these events or relationships so special?
- Think of someone or something in your community that makes you smile. How can you pass on this joy or show gratitude for whatever or whoever is behind what makes your days a little brighter?
- Think of the kind words others have said to you over the last few years. What words meant the most to you, and why do you think these words stand out?
Journal Prompt Themes: Community, Relationships, and Belonging
- Who are the Star Sparklers (people who encourage us to shine our light) in your life? Take a moment to reflect on who they are and how they make you feel. Create an action plan to reach out to them and tell them how you appreciate them.
- Think of someone you admire. This person can be someone you know personally or someone you have read or learned about. What do you admire? How can you integrate some of what you admire about them into your way of being?
- When you consider the larger community you’re a part of, what are some of the things you appreciate, and what are some of the things you wish you could support? What do you think it would take to make this positive impact happen? Can you play a part in this impact?
- Think about your everyday routine. Is there one thing you could shift or add to make your community a better place?
- Consider a place or group where you feel a strong sense of belonging. What did being your authentic self look and feel like in this setting? Are there pieces of this version of you you’d like to bring out more every day? Identify how to resurface these pieces.
Journal Prompt Theme: Overcoming Obstacles
- It can be harder to identify our emotions when we’re feeling stressed, overwhelmed, or burnt out. When you’re at your limit, what strategies or tools help you return to a place where you can more easily identify your feelings?
- Think of a time when you shared your emotions in a way that didn’t help you get what you needed. What would you do differently if you could go back and do it again?
- Peer pressure doesn’t end at a certain age. What sort of pressure do you feel from your peers now? How does that influence your choices or how you feel?
- Pick a challenge you currently face. Find a picture of your 8-year-old self and talk to the photo as if you were speaking to your younger self. What would you say to encourage them during this challenging time?
- It can be fun to think of the advice we would give our younger selves, but we all have wisdom now that could be useful to our older selves, too. Write a letter to your future self and share a few things you’ve learned that will be useful as you move into different phases of life.
Ready to continue your reflection with another activity? Visit our Parent Resources page!