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Letters for Your Loved Ones

There’s nothing easy about being separated from our friends and family, but being separated during turbulent times can feel even tougher. While there’s no doubt that social distancing is the right thing to do to prevent the spread of COVID-19 and to protect our communities, many of us are still dealing with stress and sadness related to missing the friends and family on whom we rely for support.

If you and your girl are feeling down about spending so much time at home, consider taking an afternoon to do an activity together that will help you feel more connected to those you love: writing letters. Writing a letter to a friend or loved one will help combat feelings of loneliness now and will help your girl develop connection skills she’ll use her whole life!

Whether you’re an expert letter-writer or not, chances are your girl will need a little help deciding to whom to write and what to say. Use the suggestions and guide below for ideas!


Regarding whom to write, the sky’s the limit! As long as you have their address, you can send them a letter. Think about the people in your everyday life whom you miss – such as friends, teachers, family members or neighbors – and get writing!


There’s no wrong way to write a letter, but sometimes thinking of what we want to say can be a challenge! Besides including a greeting at the beginning of your letter and well wishes at the end of your letter, consider sharing some of the following information:

  • A favorite memory you have of the person
  • Something interesting you read, watched or learned recently
  • Something you’re looking forward to doing with the person when you’re able to see each other again
  • A question you have for the person, such as what they’ve been doing with their time


Before sending your letter, consider doing the following to make it extra special!

  • Add a photograph of you and the person that reminds you of a happy time
  • Decorate the envelope you’re using to send the letter
  • Color a picture of something special to include with your letter

Letter writing is a great way to pass the time, work on academic skills and foster feelings of connectedness with our loved ones. Enjoy this project with your girl!

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